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:heavy_check_mark: lib/classes/xfasttrie_yft.cpp

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// y-fast trie用のx-fast trie
template <typename T, int W = 31, T HASHMAP_NULL = (1LL << W) - 1, T HASHMAP_DEL = (1LL << W) - 2>
struct XFastTrie_yft{
    using SplayNode = typename SplayTree<T>::NodePtr;
    struct Node{
        T val;
        int exist;
        Node* c[2];
        SplayNode node;
        Node(T val) : val(val), exist(0), node(nullptr){
            // 子が存在するなら子へのポインタを持つ
            // 葉なら左右はそれぞれprev,next
            // 左の子が存在しないなら左はprevへのショートカット
            // 右のが存在しないなら右はnextへのショートカット
            c[0] = nullptr;
            c[1] = nullptr;
    int n;
    Node* root;
    Node* front;
    Node* back;
    array<HashMap<T, Node*, HASHMAP_NULL, HASHMAP_DEL>, W> hashmap;

    XFastTrie_yft() : n(0), hashmap(){
        root = new Node(0);
        front = new Node(0);
        back = new Node(0);
        front->exist = 2;
        front->c[1] = back;
        back->exist = 1;
        back->c[0] = front;
        root->c[0] = back;
        root->c[1] = front;

    Node* insert(SplayNode node){
        T key = node->val;
        // 存在しているノードは全部葉があると仮定する
        T val = 0;
        Node* ptr = root;
        Node* nex = nullptr;
        Node* pre = nullptr;
        bool make_flag = false;
        for(int i = W - 1; i >= 0; --i){
            bool fl = (key >> i) & 1;
            bool exist = (ptr->exist >> fl) & 1;
                val += (1LL << i);
                        pre = ptr->c[1];
                        nex = pre->c[1];
                        nex = ptr->c[0];
                        pre = nex->c[0];
                make_flag = true;
                ptr->exist |= (1 << fl);
                ptr->c[fl] = new Node(val);
                hashmap[i].add(val, ptr->c[fl]);
                ptr->c[fl]->c[0] = back;
                ptr->c[fl]->c[1] = front;
            ptr = ptr->c[fl];
            return nullptr;
        assert(nex == back || key < nex->val);
        assert(pre == front || pre->val < key);

        ptr->node = node;
        pre->c[1] = ptr;
        ptr->c[1] = nex;
        nex->c[0] = ptr;
        ptr->c[0] = pre;
        assert(val == key && ptr->val == key);

        Node* new_node = ptr;
        ptr = root;
        for(int i = W - 1; i >= 0; --i){
            if(!(ptr->exist & 1) && (ptr->c[0] == back || key < ptr->c[0]->val)){
                ptr->c[0] = new_node;
            if(!(ptr->exist & 2) && (ptr->c[1] == front || ptr->c[1]->val < key)){
                ptr->c[1] = new_node;
            ptr = ptr->c[(key >> i) & 1];
        return new_node;

    bool erase(T key){
        Node* ptr = root;
        Node* cut_ptr = nullptr;
        bool cut_fl = false;
        stack<Node*> node_stack;
        for(int i = W - 1; i >= 0; --i){
            bool fl = (key >> i) & 1;
            if(!((ptr->exist >> fl) & 1))
                return false;
            if((ptr->exist >> (!fl)) & 1){
                cut_ptr = ptr;
                cut_fl = fl;
            else if(i != W - 1)
            ptr = ptr->c[fl];
        Node* target = ptr;
        Node* pre = target->c[0];
        Node* nex = target->c[1];
        pre->c[1] = nex;
        nex->c[0] = pre;
        int h = 0;
        for(int i = 0; !node_stack.empty(); ++i){
            Node* node =;
            hashmap[i + 1].erase(node->val);
            assert(node != target);
            *this = XFastTrie_yft();
            return true;
        cut_ptr->c[cut_fl] = cut_fl ? pre : nex;
        cut_ptr->exist &= ~(1 << cut_fl);
        ptr = root;
        if(target->val != key)
            return false;
        for(int i = W - 1; i >= 0; --i){
            bool fl = (key >> i) & 1;
            if(ptr->c[0] == target){
                ptr->c[0] = nex;
            if(ptr->c[1] == target){
                ptr->c[1] = pre;
            if(!(ptr->exist & (1 << fl)))
            ptr = ptr->c[fl];
        return true;

    Node* lower_bound(T key){
        Node* ptr = root;
        int lb = W, rb = -1;
        while(lb - rb > 1){
            int mid = (lb + rb) >> 1;
            bool fl;
            Node* res;
            tie(res, fl) = hashmap[mid].find(key & ~((1LL << mid) - 1));
                ptr = res;
            (fl ? lb : rb) = mid;
        if(!lb)return ptr;
        int fl = (key >> rb) & 1;
        return fl ? ptr->c[fl]->c[1] : ptr->c[fl];
#line 1 "lib/classes/xfasttrie_yft.cpp"
// y-fast trie用のx-fast trie
template <typename T, int W = 31, T HASHMAP_NULL = (1LL << W) - 1, T HASHMAP_DEL = (1LL << W) - 2>
struct XFastTrie_yft{
    using SplayNode = typename SplayTree<T>::NodePtr;
    struct Node{
        T val;
        int exist;
        Node* c[2];
        SplayNode node;
        Node(T val) : val(val), exist(0), node(nullptr){
            // 子が存在するなら子へのポインタを持つ
            // 葉なら左右はそれぞれprev,next
            // 左の子が存在しないなら左はprevへのショートカット
            // 右のが存在しないなら右はnextへのショートカット
            c[0] = nullptr;
            c[1] = nullptr;
    int n;
    Node* root;
    Node* front;
    Node* back;
    array<HashMap<T, Node*, HASHMAP_NULL, HASHMAP_DEL>, W> hashmap;

    XFastTrie_yft() : n(0), hashmap(){
        root = new Node(0);
        front = new Node(0);
        back = new Node(0);
        front->exist = 2;
        front->c[1] = back;
        back->exist = 1;
        back->c[0] = front;
        root->c[0] = back;
        root->c[1] = front;

    Node* insert(SplayNode node){
        T key = node->val;
        // 存在しているノードは全部葉があると仮定する
        T val = 0;
        Node* ptr = root;
        Node* nex = nullptr;
        Node* pre = nullptr;
        bool make_flag = false;
        for(int i = W - 1; i >= 0; --i){
            bool fl = (key >> i) & 1;
            bool exist = (ptr->exist >> fl) & 1;
                val += (1LL << i);
                        pre = ptr->c[1];
                        nex = pre->c[1];
                        nex = ptr->c[0];
                        pre = nex->c[0];
                make_flag = true;
                ptr->exist |= (1 << fl);
                ptr->c[fl] = new Node(val);
                hashmap[i].add(val, ptr->c[fl]);
                ptr->c[fl]->c[0] = back;
                ptr->c[fl]->c[1] = front;
            ptr = ptr->c[fl];
            return nullptr;
        assert(nex == back || key < nex->val);
        assert(pre == front || pre->val < key);

        ptr->node = node;
        pre->c[1] = ptr;
        ptr->c[1] = nex;
        nex->c[0] = ptr;
        ptr->c[0] = pre;
        assert(val == key && ptr->val == key);

        Node* new_node = ptr;
        ptr = root;
        for(int i = W - 1; i >= 0; --i){
            if(!(ptr->exist & 1) && (ptr->c[0] == back || key < ptr->c[0]->val)){
                ptr->c[0] = new_node;
            if(!(ptr->exist & 2) && (ptr->c[1] == front || ptr->c[1]->val < key)){
                ptr->c[1] = new_node;
            ptr = ptr->c[(key >> i) & 1];
        return new_node;

    bool erase(T key){
        Node* ptr = root;
        Node* cut_ptr = nullptr;
        bool cut_fl = false;
        stack<Node*> node_stack;
        for(int i = W - 1; i >= 0; --i){
            bool fl = (key >> i) & 1;
            if(!((ptr->exist >> fl) & 1))
                return false;
            if((ptr->exist >> (!fl)) & 1){
                cut_ptr = ptr;
                cut_fl = fl;
            else if(i != W - 1)
            ptr = ptr->c[fl];
        Node* target = ptr;
        Node* pre = target->c[0];
        Node* nex = target->c[1];
        pre->c[1] = nex;
        nex->c[0] = pre;
        int h = 0;
        for(int i = 0; !node_stack.empty(); ++i){
            Node* node =;
            hashmap[i + 1].erase(node->val);
            assert(node != target);
            *this = XFastTrie_yft();
            return true;
        cut_ptr->c[cut_fl] = cut_fl ? pre : nex;
        cut_ptr->exist &= ~(1 << cut_fl);
        ptr = root;
        if(target->val != key)
            return false;
        for(int i = W - 1; i >= 0; --i){
            bool fl = (key >> i) & 1;
            if(ptr->c[0] == target){
                ptr->c[0] = nex;
            if(ptr->c[1] == target){
                ptr->c[1] = pre;
            if(!(ptr->exist & (1 << fl)))
            ptr = ptr->c[fl];
        return true;

    Node* lower_bound(T key){
        Node* ptr = root;
        int lb = W, rb = -1;
        while(lb - rb > 1){
            int mid = (lb + rb) >> 1;
            bool fl;
            Node* res;
            tie(res, fl) = hashmap[mid].find(key & ~((1LL << mid) - 1));
                ptr = res;
            (fl ? lb : rb) = mid;
        if(!lb)return ptr;
        int fl = (key >> rb) & 1;
        return fl ? ptr->c[fl]->c[1] : ptr->c[fl];
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